Spring has arrived, begin your outdoor crop
Published 13 April, 2016

Spring is the best season for starting outdoor growing. In Spain, the weather starts to get warmer, cold nights decrease, increase daylight hours … factors that make this the best time to start growing outdoor. But what about the water quality you will use to irrigate?

Often in the preparation of appropriate tools for cultivation, we forget the importance and quality of a fundamental element: water. This element is the basis for growth, and although weather conditions are now more favorable for growing, without a filtration system that gives good quality water, plants do not proliferate as we would like. Because water isn’t equal everywhere…

EC control levels and chlorine

For example, high amount of minerals, a high EC, or heavy metals in water can block the absorption of nutrients needed by the roots. If this situation happens, no matter the quality of the nutrients that you use for plants, because due to the high concentration of mineral salts and calcium in the water, they won’t absorb it. As a result, our plants will show deficiencies.

On the other hand, during the warmer months, municipalities add more chlorine to the water networks to prevent the spread of viruses and bacteria. During this time, the water contains more chlorine, which burn before the roots and removes the beneficial bacteria of fertilizers.

To prevent these problems and to ensure the quality of water, there are water filtration systems, which eliminate up to 99% chlorine. If water in your area is very hard, and has a high EC, with RO systems  you will eliminate up to 95% of salts and heavy metals, and up to 99% chlorine. In this way, you will add the necessary nutrients that your plants really need, and they will grow healthier.

So remember, if you’re going to start outdoor cultivation with the arrival of spring time, consider the quality of the water you’re going to irrigate. Using filtration systems or RO can help you get the best results.

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