Published 18 February, 2020

pH is the Hydrogen potential of a liquid or dissolution. Its indication is given by a numeric value within a range of 0 to 14, remaining 7 (as a general rule, later we will go deep into this topic) as the given value for a neutral pH. Values with a pH less than 7 are acidic and values greater than pH 7 are alkaline.



I’m sure you’ve ever heard someone say, “the pH, but what is that?” or “meter of what?”, right?

pH is not one of the most exciting topics of growers, but all professionals know that pH must remain between values of 5.5-6.5 because certain elements can only be absorbed by plants in that range. It is therefore understandable that many novice growers can become a real headache.


Because pH is a logarithmic factor (it does not add up, it multiplies). When the pH decreases on 1 unit the solution becomes 10 times more acidic. When the pH decreases by 2 units the solution becomes 100 times more acidic.

Medidor digital de pH

The opposite happens if we increase by 1 unit, the solution becomes 10 times more alkaline and if we increase by 2 units, it becomes 100 times alkaline.

Therefore, the variation of only 1 unit in the pH value can have an unwanted impact on plants and become a real disaster.

As in this example, where the gardener did not want to vary pH levels during the different stages of the plant. It always kept the pH at 5.5 and the result, you can imagine…


If we want to be sure that our plants absorb the most elements and nutrients, the solution is to keep the water in the mixture with a neutral pH. Ideally, start with a pH of 5.5-5.8 in the growth phase and gradually increase it to 6-6.5 in the flowering phase.

To do this, it is advisable to have a good base water and the best method of achieving it is to start with a water that is as pure as possible. The best way to achieve this is through a Reverse Osmosis System as a pre-treatment of water. Which at the same time helps to stabilize the pH of the water.

If we use hydroponic irrigation systems or the like, we must also maintain pH levels in a consistent, stable way.


In addition to measurements in liquids and solutions, measurements can also be made on the skin of animals and humans*, fruits, vegetables, the soil of a crop itself, rainwater, well water, etc.

*The pH value of the skin ranges from 4.5 to 5.9 so the skin’s natural pH is slightly acidic and its optimal value is 5.5. In addition, the pH of the skin varies slightly depending on the age, gender and place of the body (genitals, hands and armpits).


When it comes to the pH in the irrigation water for our plants, we must take into account:

  • The PH of the water inlet.
  • The PH of the water once the fertilizers are added.


The water we use, normally from the tap, usually comes from the water treatment plants of large cities and towns. Therefore, it is treated with conventional chemicals to adjust an appropriate pH level. This appropriate pH level may vary depending on the time of year and above all, depending on the area in which you live. So, it is advisable that you find out what the initial pH is before mixing the fertilizers since in addition, surely this same water will come with high values of EC.


This is where problems usually come in. On the basis that not all fertilizers have the same pH and that some also have very high (or low) values, it is almost impossible that when mixing them, you acquire the appropriate pH if you do not use some measuring instrument and some regulator.



To control the pH there is no other option than to use a specific tool. To do this, we have different options such as test strips, drop kits or professional meters.

Tiras reactivas


The pH test strips are made of paper impregnated with a chemical that depending on the pH of the sample with which they make contact, changes to different colors.

Indicator paper strips are used both at the laboratory level and at the particular level, and are even used in clinical laboratories, especially for urine analysis.

Kit de gotas


PH test kits are very practical and economical. They contain a reagent to measure the pH of the irrigation water and a clear canish where the sample is measured by introducing your water from the growing broth and adding 2 drops of the reactive liquid.

Medidor digital de pH


There are different models of digital pH meters available on the market. With a wide range of prices, all valid and functional. There are also those that perform different functions as well as measure EC and temperature (so-called combos) on a constant basis, mandatory for use when using different hydroponic techniques. For a good use it is essential to follow the advice of each manufacturer for best maintenance.

Medidor de pH de suelo


There are other meters on the market to control the pH of the soil. Designed for direct use in the soil are an excellent solution to check the acidity of the substrate that we are going to use for a given crop. If you are one of those who reuses the substrate, this meter cannot be missing among your used tools.


pH regulators are another must-have tool that can’t be missing from your arsenal. They are usually composed of natural products and can be found in different formats such as powder or liquid. They are not very expensive and their efficiency time is almost immediate (some manufacturers claim that in less than 10 seconds).


Reguladores Reguladores


If you grow organic make sure that you do not acquire the minerals, it will negatively affect the maintenance of the beneficial microorganisms existing in the soil.

If we want to get quality harvests, a small reminder: controlling the pH of water is as important as controlling EC.


Published 24 October, 2019


The EC is the ability of a compound to conduct electricity from the amount of mineral salts that are dissolved in it. That is why controlling EC (electro-conductivity) of water is a very important factor to consider for any grower or gardener.

Conductivity measurements are used in many industrial and environmental applications to control dissolved content in different liquids. They are also widely used in many industries, such as controlling the quality of drinking water supplies, boiler water, hospitals and all industries that depend on water quality.


Tap water contains a multitude of elements, mineral salts, heavy metals (lead, zinc, boron) and different chemicals such as chlorine; if the plumbing facilities are also old, it is very likely that it will also contain traces of accumulated lime or oxides and sediments. Chlorine is used to kill all kinds of microorganisms, fungi, bacteria, pathogens and prevents the appearance of mold in stagnant waters. Removing chlorine from water is as important as lowering EC.

The quality of the drinking water of the place to which we have access to the network is such a determining factor that many companies take into account a careful choice of the location chosen when building or opening a new headquarters. If companies and multinationals look so much on water quality, why not do all growers and gardeners?

Tap water


Depending on the concentration of mineral salts dissolved in the water, we will distinguish between soft and hard water. The main difference between what we call soft and hard water is that in the latter there is a high concentration of calcium ions (Ca2) and magnesium (Mg2) dissolved.

Soft water is called those whose measurements do not exceed a range of 70-150ppm while hard water is those whose range ranges from 320-420ppm.

Depending on the geographical area in which we are, we will have access to one type of water or another since not all places use the same techniques for water treatment. In addition, widespread rises in temperatures in summer seasons stimulate the proliferation and reproduction of fungi, parasites and microbes, causing chlorine doses in the drinking water network to also be higher during these dates.


There are different types of EC measuring instruments available in the market, with a wide range of prices, all of them valid and functional, depending on the decimals we want you to show us. There are also those that perform different functions, as well as measure pH and temperature (so-called combos) on a constant basis, mandatory for use through the different hydroponic techniques.

Bluelab Combo meter


The conductivity of water is measured within a certain distance, so although the one used in the SI is that of S (Siemens) they are usually expressed as S/cm or mS/cm.

We can also find other units of measurement such as ppm (part per million) and TDS (total dissolved solids). The relationship between conductivity and dissolved solids is given by the following equalities:

2 μS/cm = 1 PPM

1 PPM = 640 TDS


The goal is to start with a base water as pure as possible, better if it is 000ppm, in order to obtain the following benefits:

Know at all times which additives and in what quantities will be added.

We will increase the bioavailability of the plant causing greater efficiency of the fertilizers, making them can be absorbed optimally.

Protect, maintain and enhance the use of organic fertilizers, microbial life and beneficial microorganisms.

If we want to prepare a calcium and magnesium base water with an EC of 0.3-0.4, we will have greater control over the necessary amounts.

It allows us to identify in advance the possible symptoms of deficiencies and / or excess nutrients in our plants.

It helps us protect the roots by fortifying the immune system against possible pests and diseases.

It helps to stabilize pH.

Advance collection time and increase production.

Get a quality end product.


With GrowMax Water reverse osmosis system we obtain pure water, eliminating chlorine and helping lower EC by up to 95% the content of mineral salts, heavy metals, herbicides, pesticides and sediments. We also have the 000ppm range to create ultra pure water, ideal for small and medium growers who want to obtain clean and quality water.

Published 23 October, 2019


Chlorine (Cl) is an essential chemical element for many forms of life and it can’t be found in nature in its pure state, usually appears combined with other elements and metals.

It’s a toxic gas with an unpleasant odor that, depending on the degree of concentration, can cause different effects on the human body: from irritations in the eyes and throat, cough, pain and/or burning in the chest to pneumonia and death.


Chlorine has a large number of uses in industrial applications and processes, from disinfection and the creation of plastics to the manufacture of drugs, insecticides and dyes. It is used as a disinfectant for equipment, furniture, surgical equipment and hospital enclosures although its most widespread use is to eliminate bacteria, fungi, parasites and viruses in drinking water supplies and swimming pools.

Swimming pool water


Water not only constitutes most of the weight of a plant and its fruits. In addition, it’s the main stream by which we can introduce without realizing it, substances to our plants that don’t suit them. By making them sick, reducing quantity and yield, decreasing the quality of crops and factors that directly affect such fundamental issues as the taste, aroma and nutritional properties of the fruits. That’s why almost all growers are aware of the importance of the quality of the water they will use in their crops.

Chlorine in water may also cause the appearance of different symptoms of deficiencies and/or excesses of some basic nutrients in the leaves, such as discoloration of older leaves by turning them more yellow or causing small spots to appear grey-brown.

Since chlorine kills all kinds of microbial life, it doesn’t make much sense to use beneficial microorganisms and/or organic fertilizers if we continue to use tap water without giving it any prior treatment. Chlorine does not discriminate against beneficial or malignant microbial life: it destroys them all.


Removing chlorine from tap water helps us better control the correct values within the appropriate pH ranges. Not all elements are assimilated with the same efficacy, so it is recommended to use a range of 6.0 to 7.0 since the intermediate value 6.5 (which is the neutral pH), is with which the nutritional elements can be absorbed broadly. Remember that pH values tend to increase as the plant grows. In growth and vegetative phase, we will start with values around 6.0 and increase them to values of 6.4-6.5 until their final phase.

It allows to increase the bioavailability of plants to obtain a greater and optimal absorption of nutrients at different stages of their life cycles.

We protect soil and organic fertilizers that contain beneficial microorganisms, as the latter help to enrich the substrate by better and more quickly transforming the assimilation of organic matter into soluble food for plants.


Published 20 November, 2018

With autumn comes the time of indoor growing, and many cannabis growers take advantage to review and update your equipment, or start a new crop, always with views to improve the quality of their crops. In recent years and at present, we are witnessing an increase in both the supply and the quality of the means for cultivation. Technologies are evolving, fertilizers and additives are being perfected, and techniques are refined.

But it also improves our knowledge of all the processes that participate in the growth of a plant, which allows us to make the most of our resources to obtain the best possible result: light, humidity and temperature control, nutrition, water quality irrigation … There is practically no aspect that the good grower of cannabis does not care with zeal, but perhaps it is the water issue, of which more determining factors for an optimal harvest depend.

How should we treat water in our crop?

The water with which we irrigate our plants and apply our nutrients will determine a huge percentage of the final quality of the buds, and not only in terms of size, aroma and properties, but, and this is very important in any product for human consumption, of health. That is, if we want to achieve a healthy and quality end product, we must pay close attention to the quality of irrigation water.

Watering or not watering: that is not the issue

No grower who addresses his next indoor crop will consider whether or not to light his plants, but how: will he use more versatile equipment that he can use throughout the development of the crop, or will he use a more refined result? different equipment adapted to each phase? Will you seek maximum energy savings, or will you risk an extra cost by betting on a higher result?

Why not apply the same principle to water? Since the question is not whether we should irrigate or not, the demanding grower must ask himself: how am I going to treat the irrigation water?

Of course, to answer this question, first we must respond to the following: What is in my irrigation water?, Why should I treat the water with which I irrigate my plants? The answer depends fundamentally on the origin of that water.

The ideal situation would be that, knowing precisely the water composition of our irrigation source, we would have verified that it has an acceptable quality in terms of electroconductivity (EC), pH, oxygenation, amount of dissolved salts, etc., to apply directly to our plants, without the need to treat it. But this situation is extremely rare.

Water comes from three main sources: rain, groundwater and the water network.

The rain

The rainwater is, generally, a soft water and, freshly fallen, very oxygenated, and therefore ideal for irrigation. However, you should keep in mind that their best properties are ephemeral and disappear as soon as it is stored.

It contains more CO2 and nitrogen than common water, which makes it slightly acidic. These, along with the oxygen, pass to the plants through the newly fallen rain, which gives them a boost of growth.

But be careful: depending on the place where you collect the rainwater, it may contain different traces of elements. If you live in a big city, very likely the water you pick up directly from the rain contains pollutants washed out of the atmosphere. In certain regions, too, there are often very hot weather conditions that contaminate rainwater and load it with undesirable elements. One option to sediment these elements is to let them rest, but in this way you will also eliminate the properties that make it particularly special.

When we talk about indoor crops, direct rain, whose saturation makes it penetrate much better in the soil than artificial irrigation, is not an option. Storage as an alternative has its counterparts: water loses its properties and, if we are not careful, it can stagnate or reach unfavorable temperatures for irrigation.


Using water directly from a well without knowing the salts it carries is reckless. Groundwater can have very different compositions, present solids that alter its pH, as well as contaminants. Yes, because of the location of your crop you have no alternative, you must order an analysis. Depending on the characteristics of the aquifer, it will be advisable to repeat the analysis every so often.

Running water from the tap

Although the tap water that flows out of the tap is previously filtered, it may contain, in hard water regions, a large amount of dissolved salts that make its EC and pH values not appropriate for the plants. Old plumbing installations can also add accumulated lime and other unwanted elements to running water. In addition, tap water is commonly treated with chlorine, as a sanitary measure necessary to prevent the proliferation of viruses and bacteria.

As we already told you in this entry, although chlorine is essential in the running water system to ensure that it reaches your tap completely sterile, from that point on it can become a great enemy of the grower, especially the organic grower. Chlorine will not distinguish between beneficial and harmful organisms and will eliminate beneficial fungi from organic fertilizers and crop stimulators. In some areas of the world fluorine is also added to water. Fluorine can inhibit photosynthesis and phosphorus absorption, producing damage to the leaves.

Heavy metals

As we can see, the three main sources of water have a common disadvantage: the possibility of presenting unwanted elements. Although tap water is safe in terms of sanitation, can, like groundwater and rainwater, runs the risk of being contaminated with heavy metals.

Cannabis is a biological accumulator: everything you give it will incorporate it into its biomass and, if it can not transform it through its common biological processes, it will accumulate it. Bioaccumulation It is a characteristic of heavy metals. These can reach the plant through its cultivation in contaminated soils, the use of poor quality fertilizers … or the water!

The term “heavy metals” refers to a set of metals and some semimetal that, without being essential, they have a toxic effect on living matter. Cadmium (Cd), mercury (Hg), arsenic (As), copper (Cu), cobalt (Co) and lead (Pb) among others, can accumulate in the plant and pass to the human being through its consumption.

Heavy metals can inhibit plant growth, structural damage and oxidative stress, in addition to poor functions in their physiological and biochemical activities, affecting the photosynthesis and the water potential of the leaves among others.


Although the plant has mechanisms of resistance against heavy metals, its exposure to them is always a risk, especially considering the possibility of its presence in products intended for human consumption. The effects of heavy metals in the human beings cover a wide spectrum, from headaches to nausea, passing through metabolic insufficiency and in cases of prolonged or extreme exposure, cancer.


The best treatment is, without doubt, prevention. Watering our plants with water whose composition we do not know is not very different from using cheap fertilizers that have no guarantees.

So, it’s not about whether you need to treat the irrigation water or not. It is about what water treatment system you need: Filtration or Reverse Osmosis.


“Professional growers say that quality water should be used”

Published 12 July, 2018

Surely more than once you have gone out of the pool with irritated eyes. Maybe even, after spending a lot of time, you have felt that the skin starts to itch. It is certainly not the water that produces these effects in our body, but the responsible one is a chemical compound added as a disinfectant:

It’s about chlorine. During the reading of this article, we invite you to have in mind this question: would you water your plants with the water in your pool?

Why is chlorine added to water?  

This compound is added to water in the form of sodium hypochlorite, which dissolves and acts to destroy the bacteria’s membrane. In local swimming pools, due to the large number of bathers there may be, the amounts of chlorine are usually high. In addition, the fact that the heat multiplies with the heat motivates in many cases the increase in the quantities used. Although in this context this may be necessary to maintain bacteriological quality, have we begun to think about how chlorine can affect our health? After all, he is not alone in the pools, but in the whole network of running water.

As in the swimming pools it is necessary to keep the water clean and free of bacteria, this is also done with the network water. It is the last part of the purification process, and thanks to its residual effect ensures that while flowing through underground ducts or accumulates in a gigantic deposit does not form mold or is contaminated by pathogenic organisms. But if we feel its effects just by spending time in the pool, how does chlorinated water affect us in our day to day?

Effects of chlorine on health

Chlorine has a strongly irritating effect, and even at relatively low concentrations, it can have negative consequences. Contact with the skin and eyes produces irritation, burning and itching. If pure chlorine is inhaled it is highly toxic: it causes pain in chest, vomiting, cough and breathing disturbances. Although it is found in considerably reduced quantities and relatively safe for human consumption, even within the permitted quantities can cause damage to the skin and respiratory tract.

Chlorine in the crop

For growers, chlorinated water is also a problem: chlorine does not discriminate between harmful microorganisms and beneficial microorganisms: it simply kills all microscopic life. For plants, however, much of that life is essential, since it enriches the substrate and interacts with the plant so that it absorbs nutrients better.

The main ones of these microorganisms are the mycorrhizae, fungi that live in symbiosis with the roots and allow them not only to improve their absorption, but also to keep them free of pathogens and protected against harmful fungal invasions. They also make them more resistant to adverse environmental conditions.

The organic fertilizers are rich in this microscopic life, but all this contribution is completely useless if the plants are irrigated with chlorinated water, since as we mentioned before, the chlorine is not selective, it kills everything equally. This is why it is even more important not to water with chlorine when using insecticides or

ecological pesticides, biostimulants, fungal protectors or biofertilizers. The presence of chlorine in the irrigation water can be to reduce the harvest, in addition to making the organic products used in the crop useless or in the better, negatively affect the taste, appearance and nutritional qualities of the crop product.


How to eliminate chlorine?

Aware of the problem that chlorine in water can represent, many choose to leave containers with chlorinated water in the sun for 24 hours, trusting that since chlorine is volatile it will evaporate. But how safe can it be that this is it like that? Without a reliable, laboratory measurement, it is impossible to know for sure that the chlorine is gone, and you run the risk of using chlorinated water anyway.

Why, then, do not use a reliable system to eliminate chlorine? It is best to filter the water through an Activated Carbon filter block, which also reduces or eliminates other contaminants that may be present in the water.

At GrowMax Water all our equipment includes high capacity block carbon filters. These filters are manufactured using a high performance coconut charcoal, with more micropores than other types of coal, achieving a unique filter and with greater absorption capacity than any other filter on the market.

In addition, in line with our commitment to protecting the environment, high-performance coconut coal from our equipment is made using a patented process that reduces gas emissions.

Our range of filtration systems eliminates up to 99% of the chlorine while providing sufficient water flow for use in daily irrigation. We have four models, whose water flow is 240L/h the smallest to 2,000L/h.

To conclude: chlorine may be necessary until it reaches your home, but you must eliminate it to have a better quality of water for you and your crop. Your harvest will thank you!

Published 12 April, 2018

We present 5 reasons why it is important to lower the EC and eliminate the chlorine from the water with which you irrigate your plants.

Why should we eliminate chlorine from water?


Horticulture is an inherent human activity that allows us to evolve and survive as a species. From thousands of years of experience, starting life from all types of soils, we have to add the enormous advances and developments that have been introduced in the last 20 years, all which have allowed  us to optimize the quality of what we grow. One fundamental part of what we’ve learned is our comprehension of the importance of the quality of water and how components such as EC (electro-conductivity) and chlorine can affect our crops.



No grower, from the most traditional to the most technical, forgets the importance that water has on their plants. We need to keep in mind that water not only has the most weight in our plants, but it’s also the main medium through which we can introduce, inadvertently, foreign substances that can weaken our plants and lower the quality and quantity of our yields. Even basics like taste and nutritional value of fruits can be changed.

What are you giving your plants to drink?


When you water your plants with regular tap water, there’s also a series of chemicals, depending on your region, that can be introduced in varying concentrations. In areas of hard water, there can be an abundance of calcium, magnesium, lime scale, potassium and sulfates. These salts will increase the electro-conductivity (EC). In areas with soft water, though there won’t be excessive salts, you will almost always find the presence of chlorine.

Why should we lower the EC and eliminate chlorine from our water?


The following are 5 reasons why it is important to lower the EC and eliminate chlorine from the water we use for our plants and gardens.

  • Higher quantity of nutrients and higher nutritional efficiency. The electro-conductivity (EC) measurement gives us a good estimate of the quantity of dissolved salts in the water. Each plant can only take in a limited concentration of salts, in EC value of between 1,4 and 2,2 ms/cm, depending on the type and phase of development. This is due to their roots capacity for absorption. If we start by giving our plants a water with 1,0 ms/cm, then the quantity of nutrients we can thereby safely give them is only 0,4 to 1,2 ms/cm, as the maximum. On the other hand, if we start with a water with very low EC, then we can give our plants a greatly superior quantity of nutrients. Also, if we give our plants a pure water to start, then they will not inadvertently absorb undesirable elements (chemicals), which of course will allow us to achieve 100% efficiency in the nutrients and fertilizers we administer.


  • By lower the EC we maintain a much healthier root system. Hard waters contain a high concentration of mineral salts that can produce lime scale and incrust and block plants roots, reducing their capacity of absorption and affecting the nutrition of the plants. In fact, these mineral salts, such as lime scale, sodium and magnesium among others, together with the nutrients that we add to our plants, can cause a saturation of the roots and an effect known as “nutrient lock out”. This effect is the incapacity of the plant to continue to absorb any more nutrients, which of course can kill the plants, if not remedied. By reducing the EC of the water we can improve the health of our plants roots, by avoiding obstruction of the root system and avoiding “nutrient lockout”. The root system will be able to absorb the necessary nutrients with maximum efficiency.


  • Protection of microorganisms in soils and extracts. Most organic soils contain beneficial microorganisms that collaborate in a plants health, maintaining clean roots systems so that they can use their complete capacity of absorption for nutrition or in the case of mycorrhiza, even increase the capacity. These microorganisms also protect plants against invasions molds and pathogens. When we use regular tap water for our plants, we are killing off these beneficial microorganisms. The reason; Chlorine. Chlorine is a chemical disinfectant used by municipalities to guarantee potable water, by killing off any bacterias that may be present, while also impeding the proliferation of algae or mushrooms inside of the distribution pipes and storage tanks. But chlorine isn’t selective, and as a disinfectant it eliminates all microorganisms, even the beneficial ones. So, this is another  reason why we should never use water straight from the tap, especially if we cultivate with beneficial microorganisms or bio-fertilizers.


  • Greater general growing control, less problems. By lowering the EC in our water we achieve a greater total control in our cultivation methods. For example, with a lower concentration of salts we’ll have a more balanced pH, optimal for our plants. Also, with a purer water, we will be able to detect the origen of any problems that arise with more precisión, since we will already have eliminated a series of unknown variables that come with water straight from the tap. We’ll know exactly what type and what quantity of nutrients our plants are receiving.


  • Higher quality production and yield for our gardens. By reducing the EC and eliminating chlorine we’ll have a higher quality and larger yield in our plants. When you think about, watering your plants with water that has unknown composition, you are incorporating an unknown quantity of substances, that will end up in your plants, fruits and vegetables. In general, you are affecting the quality of your product; it’s taste, aroma and nutritional value, while also reducing the quantity of your yield. Your plants should be able to take 100% advantage of the nutrients that you supply, without having to worry about the additional components of a high EC water. Your plants should be able to benefit from the good microorganisms that you add to them, without adding chlorinated water that will kill them off.



In summary, good water quality is the foundation on which a great harvest is built. Quality water is fundamental and has direct effects upon the health and quality of your plants and the yield in your gardens. When you water your plants, you need to ask yourself; What am I really giving them? Is it a water that I would  like to  drink myself? If not, what can I do about it?

3 reasons to use reverse osmosis with your humidifier
Published 30 March, 2017

We know that using reverse osmosis systems we lower the EC from water and get healthier plants and bigger productions, among other benefits. But did you know that reverse osmosis besides to protect your plants also helps your humidifier to works better and for a longer time?

Reverse osmosis and the humidifier

Humidifier helps to regulate humidity in the indoor growing. It works adding water to the tank, which then escapes as steam, humidifying the air and preventing withered plants and diseased plants due to the dry environment.

GrowMax Water reverse osmosis systems lower EC and eliminate up to 95% of salts and heavy metals from water, and also eliminate up to 99% of chlorine. The result is a quality water, pure and free of salts and chemicals, perfect for using with your humidifier and your plants for some reasons.

Reasons to use reverse osmosis with the humidifier

1. Prevent precipitated limescale inside the humidifier’s tank

As hard water cause precipitated limescale in our water installation as well as in bathrooms, or washingmachine, the same situation will occurs in the humidifier’s tank using hard water. Limescale will be accumulated inside the tank, interfering in the way the humidifier works, producing less steam and increasing it maintenance.

If we use reverse osmosis water to fulfill the tank, we ensure a better maintenance of the humidifier and a better steam up capacity, increasing the humidifier’s usable life, because the precipitated limescale inside it will disappear.

2.Get quality water steam

Using water free of salts, (with a lower EC) to fulfill the humidifier’s tank, we avoid limescale precipitations, but also we ensure that we get a quality water steam, so the result will be a quality environmental humidity too.

3.Protect our plants

Providing a quality water steam, we avoid possible problems in the plants leaves, since they will be save from limescale effects and other dissolved salts into the water. Also we protect plants roots, which won’t be blocked by precipitated limescale.

Keeping in mind these three reasons, our range of reverse osmosis systems will be the best ally for your humidifier, because they will help you to take care of your plants with the best water quality possible.

Other uses of reverse osmosis

In addition to use reverse osmosis water with the humidifier, it’s also recommended to use it if there is a water softener installed. These devices don’t eliminate calcium and magnesium, but covert them in sodium, sometimes in toxic levels. If sodium exceeds the 50 ppm, plants can’t get their genetical potential.


Published 28 November, 2016

The pH shows the acidity or alkalinity value of the water. We can measure the acids through the concentration of hydrogen ions: strong acids have high concentrations of hydrogen ions and weak acids have low concentrations. Plants, like the humans, have a shifting pH value. If they don’t have a proper pH they will not enjoy good health, being more exposed to be attacked by fungi, viruses and unwanted insects. With an appropriate pH, we get stronger and healthier plants.

To understand the pH it’s important to consider the acidity, which determines the absorption and solubility capabilities of different nutrients. The pH level varies between 0 and 14, so water with a pH below 7 is considered acid water, while with levels over 8 is considered alkaline water. A pH level of 7 it’s considered neutral.

pH levels

The pH levels of the irrigation water also modify the pH levels of the soil. Tap water, in most cases, have pH levels higher than 7 on most places, especially in the cities, because it contains more calcium. The recommended pH for all kind of growths, varies between 6,5 and 7,5, so if you irrigate plants with a higher or lower pH, it could damage the plants.

With a lower pH (lower than 4), more acid, the plants roots can be damage. Furthermore, some nutrients are easily dissolved with these levels of pH, being absorbed by the plants easily, but this can cause an overload of aluminum and iron, and a lack of other important nutrients like magnesium, potassium or phosphorus.

With a lower pH, the heavy metals can cause also necrosis in the plants roots.

The water with a high pH has also negative effects in the plants, because the more alkalinity the water is, less capacity of nutrients to be dissolved. This can cause a lack of nutrients in the plants and consequentially problems for their growth (yellow leaves, plants that don’t grow enough…).

How to stabilize the pH of water

With the pH meter we can measure the hydrogens concentration in the water. Once we know the pH of water we have, we can control it value using some acid/alkaline products that we can add to the fertilizers and nutrients solution we give to the plants.

However an easy way is using reverse osmosis water ¿why?

Reverse osmosis water  has a pH value of approximately 6,5. If we use this type of water, we always know the Ph of water we have, which will help us to water the plants. We also have water free of chemicals (chlorine) as well as salts and heavy metals, or in other words, a lower EC water. Using a quality water we will warranty a healthier plants and protected from fungi or viruses attacks.

Know more advantages of using quality water and grow it to the Max with GrowMax!